Flames of War Mission
Date here
R 000 vs G 000pts
Russia (Justin) v Germany (Chris)
German Breakout
"Road to Nowhere'
About this battle
On August 10th, 1944, after crossing the Vistula river, elements of the 1st Ukrainian Front broke the enemy defense lines South-east of the Polish town of Sandomierz, and after throw back parts of 4th Tank Army, significantly expanded their bridgehead. In an attempt to retake the lost territory on the west side of the Vistula river, the Germans immediately transferred five divisions (including one panzer division), from the Army Group South Ukraine, five infantry divisions from Germany, three infantry divisions from Hungary, and six brigades of assault guns to the Sandomierz area.

Preparing for the German counterattack, the Soviet High Command decided to regroup its troops. Preparations for defense started with laying large minefields.
On August 11th, units of the 6th Guards Tank Corps (GTC) of the 3rd Guards Tank Army (GTA), took defensive positions on the outskirts of the towns of Szyldów and Ogledów which were taken earlier that day.
The bridgehead at that time resembled an irregular semicircle abutted against the Vistula River,in the centre, while the 52nd Guards Tank Brigade (GTBr) closed the left flank. Sandy soil made it difficult to dig the tanks in to their full height because the sides of the trenches kept collapsing. The same sandy soil caused problems for the Germans as well. Many times Soviet troops observed Panthers swerving in the sand, and while the0ir drivers struggled to control their vehicles, they exposed their thinner side armor to the Soviet guns. During the skirmishes near Szyldów and Ogledów, this led to severe losses of Panthers (on August 11th, 1944 alone, the 53rd GTBr destroyed eight German tanks).
On August 12th, the commander of the 53rd GTBr, Colonel V. S. Arkhipov, with his Chief of Staff, C. I. Kirilkin, came to the conclusion that the Germans would not continue their direct attack across the open sandy fields, and that they would try to outflank the brigade. They therefore reinforced their force's flanks.
The area facing Major A. G. Korobov's 2nd Tank Battalion (TBn) was open. On the right flank, where the T-34 tanks of Captain I. M. Mazurin's 3rd TBn formed the defense line, there was a deep and wide valley with a dirt road leading from Ogledów village to the town of Staszów, and to the Soviet rear. Behind the valley, there were wetlands defended by the 294th Rifle Regiment of the 97th Rifle Division.
The dirt road provided good access to the Soviet positions, and drew the Germans' attention.

To prevent the enemy from using this passage, the Soviet brigade commander decided to set up an ambush from an unnamed hill with two T-34 tanks from the 3rd TBn under command of deputy battalion commander Guards Captain P. T. Ivushkin. The battalion's remaining tanks were at the main defensive positions one-kilometre from Ogledów.
The initial speculations about the German plan were confirmed by reconnaissance reports.
Three reconnaissance units with tanks and motorcycles were sent to patrol the expected routes of enemy movement. Reconnaissance Report #53, issued at 7:00 p.m. on August 13th, 1944, issued by the staff of the 6th GTC stated:
During the night of August the 12th and 13th, a Feldwebel from the 1st Company of the 501st Independent Heavy Tank Battalion (IHTB) of the High Command Reserves (HCR) was taken PoW in the area west of Szyldów, and a private from the 10th Company of the 79th Motorised Regiment of the 16th Panzer Division in the area of Poniki was also captured. The Feldwebel stated that at the Koniecpol railway station, after the 501st IHTB had moved out, an unknown tank division began to disembark.
The 501st IHTB consisted of three tank companies and a supply company. The battalion arrived with forty tanks on strength, and consisted of twenty Panthers and twenty Panzer IV's. About thirty tanks reached Chmielnik, the remaining tanks had suffered malfunctions and required repairs.
The arrival of the 501st sPzAbt under the command of Major von Legat was significant. In July and August 1944, the battalion was reorganised at Ohrdruf training centre, and was equipped with King Tiger tanks, preemptively called super-tanks. (King Tiger tanks are also known as Tiger II and Tiger B tanks).
Though of low reliability even for a new tank (the work on the tank had started in 1943, but was not fully completed) the battalion left for the Eastern Front on August 5th without its full complement. Fourteen tanks with various problems were transferred to the 1st Company, which remained in the Training Centre.
On August 9th, the battalion arrived in Poland, and disembarked at Koniecpol railway station near Kielce.
According to the PoWs, half of the tanks were Panthers, and the remaining were Panzer IV's. It was later revealed that the PoWs' story about the Panthers was not true. Probably they tried to conceal the arrival of a secret weapon to the front. The Panthers were actually new King Tiger tanks.
Ten of the King Tigers broke-down during the short three-kilometre march from the disembarkation point to the headquarters of the 16th TD near Chmielnik. On August 11th, after losing two days to repairs and re-supply, the battalion moved two kilometres further and reached Szyldów. Breakdowns continued, and at the end of the day, only eleven of the twenty King Tigers were intact and ready to commence the attack on Staszów.
It is worth mentioning that the Soviet 6th GTC did not have significant numerical superiority. Ready for the German assault were nine T-34-76's from the 53rd GTBr, and nine T-34-76's and ten T-34-85's from the 52nd GTBr. The 51st GTBr, positioned to the north, had eleven T-34-76's and four T-34-85's. At Staszów there were eleven JS-2 heavy tanks, and one JS-85 heavy tank from the 71st Independent Guards Heavy Tank Regiment.
At midnight on August 13th, a growing noise of tank engines was heard coming from the German side. Before dawn, the commander of the 53rd GTBn returned from the headquarters to his tank, which was employed as an observation post between the tanks of the 1st Tank Battalion, which were hidden between low sand dunes. In the front and on the right side of the Soviet positions, there was a valley with a road to Staszów. On the left hand side, there was a field with stacks of hay, where Ivushkin's tanks were camouflaged. Near the entry of the valley stood Lieutenant A. P. Oskin's T-34. A. Stetzenko was the driver, A. Merkhaidarov was the gunner, A. Grushin was the radio operator, and A. Khalychev was the loader. Colonel Arkhipov and Ivushkin hid the tank in the haystacks, and ordered Oskin to hold his fire until given a special order.
The next morning was covered in mist, which obstructed the view. From the observation point of the 53rd GTBr commander, neither the village of Ogledów, nor the valley, nor the tanks hidden in the haystacks were visible. The morning silence was broken by a growing hum of tank engines, and soon the incoming noise of tanks' tracks was heard. From the sky, one could hear Junkers planes approaching Staszów. German artillery began to fire. The rounds passed high above the brigade's forward line.
Enemy reconnaissance neither located the brigade's front line, nor spotted the ambush positions.
On August 13th, at 07:00 a.m. under the cover of the mist, the Germans started to advance on the unnamed hill with eleven King Tigers and a few armored personnel carriers with infantry.
Ivushkin's voice was heard on the radio:
The tanks are gone. I can't see them, but I can hear them. They are moving through the valley.
This is how the commander of the 53rd GTBr described the battle:
An enormous tank crawled from within the valley. It was jerkily climbing up and swerving on the sand. From the left flank, Major Korobov exclaimed on the radio: — They're coming!
I replied:
- Be patient! Open fire from 400 metres only!
Behind the first tank, the second beast came from the valley, and soon the third tank appeared. The first had already passed Ivyshkin's ambush position.
- Fire? — he asked.
- Fire! I saw a part of the haystack over Oskin's tank move, and the gun barrel appeared. It fired, and then again and again: Oskin had commenced the battle.
Through my binoculars, I could see black holes in the sides of the German tanks. At first I saw only smoke, but then I saw flames. The third tank turned to Oskin, but it was immobilized after it received a hit in its tracks, and then it was hit again for good. I called the code signal 307 — 305 on the radio.
At that moment, German Howitzers began firing, and soon the air in the valley up to Ogledów was filled with smoke and dust..

The Mission


Terrain Features
Woods are area terrain and count as Difficult Going. As rough terrain, infantry and man- packed guns move at the regular 6”, but fully-tracked (8”), half-tracked (4”), wagons (4”) and light guns (4”) are subject to movement penalties.
As Difficult Going each vehicle and Light, Medium or Heavy Gun team must take a Bogging Check when they enter or start their turn in the woods. Rolling a 1 means the team is bogged down. Freeing a bogged team requires a Skills Test. (Veteran 3+, Trained 4+). Teams within woods are concealed and cannot see or be seen by enemy troops more than 6" away from themselves.
If a unit is on the edge of the terrain area, they benefit from concealment, but can be seen. Wooded terrain blocks line-of-sight through it.
River and Ford 
In this game, we defined our River as a Stream making it count as Very Difficult Going.
Infantry and man packed guns do not suffer a movement penalty, but Light, Medium or Heavy Gun teams cannot attempt to cross Very Difficult Going terrain. Fully tracked vehicles needs to take a Skill Test to cross Very Difficult Going, otherwise they become Bogged Down. Other vehicle types cannot attempt to cross at all.
We agreed that teams in contact with the river bank (i.e. the piece of scenery’s base) would count as concealed to represent reeds and other associated riverside vegetation. The stream is crossed by two Difficult Going fords.
Marshes are area terrain and count as Difficult Going (see Woods above), but teams do not gain the benefit of concealment.
Marshes do not block Line of Sight.
Victory Conditions
The battle would end when either:
Udarny Strelkovy Company
Motivation |
Experience |
Command |
Points |
Battalon HQ rifle team |
fearless |
trained |
4" |
35 |
Anti-tank platoon |
fearless |
trained |
4" |
45 |
Anti-tank rifle (attached) |
fearless |
trained |
4" |
45 |
Sapper platoon |
fearless |
trained |
4" |
95 |
Motivation |
Experience |
Command |
Points |
Udarny Strelkovy Company (1 SMG platoon) |
fearless |
trained |
4" |
235 |
Udarny Strelkovy Company (1 SMG platoon) |
fearless |
trained |
4" |
235 |
Udarny Mortar platoon plus observer rifle team |
fearless |
trained |
4" |
80 |
Understrength Udarny machine-gun company, 2 platoons of 3 teams |
fearless |
trained |
4" |
170 |
Motivation |
Experience |
Command |
Points |
3 SU-76M |
confident |
trained |
4" |
115 |
Limited air support - IL-2 Shtumovik |
fearless |
trained |
n/a |
200 |
Company Totals |
Platoons: |
5 |
Points: |
1255 |
Russian Company



Platoon name
Platoon name
Platoon name



Platoon name
Platoon name
Platoon name



Platoon name
Platoon name
Platoon name



Platoon name
Platoon name
Platoon name
Ilyushin Il-2 Shturmovik

Russian Planning

Motivation |
Experience |
Command |
Points |
Company HQ SMG team |
confident |
veteran |
6" |
40 |
Motivation |
Experience |
Command |
Points |
Grenadier Platoon |
confident |
veteran |
6" |
155 |
Grenadier Platoon |
confident |
veteran |
6" |
155 |
Motivation |
Experience |
Command |
Points |
HMG Platoon |
confident |
veteran |
6" |
140 |
Assault Gun Platoon |
confident |
veteran |
6" |
380 |
2 x adhoc half tracks |
confident |
veteran |
6" |
50 |
1 x captured Russian AT 76mm gun |
confident |
veteran |
6" |
65 |
Company Totals |
Platoons: |
6 |
Points: |
985 |
German Company



Platoon name
Platoon name
Platoon name



Platoon name
Platoon name
Platoon name



Platoon name
Platoon name
Platoon name



Platoon name
Platoon name
Platoon name
StuG III Ausf G

German Planning


Turn One
ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec et felis quis metus tempor porttitor quis eget orci. Maecenas lobortis ante id nulla luctus gravida. Nulla a tortor eu elit varius sodales. Aliquam placerat dui id mi placerat elementum. Curabitur non nunc sem. Praesent vestibulum, justo quis volutpat imperdiet, diam orci sodales orci, at fermentum dui justo in justo. Aenean tempor mi sed ligula auctor non lobortis erat semper. Vestibulum facilisis, purus id consequat interdum, erat nisl ultrices diam, a vulputate mauris velit vel velit.
Curabitur id mi sapien. Nam pharetra ullamcorper consectetur. Integer vitae nulla lectus, eu interdum neque. Sed aliquam est nec justo condimentum ultrices. Aenean pharetra turpis vitae urna commodo gravida. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Cras fringilla, lacus sed adipiscing placerat, nisl magna consequat velit, sit amet aliquam purus massa vel sem. Aliquam in risus ligula. Nunc tortor magna, luctus in laoreet a, lacinia sed sapien.
Aenean euismod placerat libero, eu euismod ipsum molestie ac. Nam sit amet suscipit mi. Vivamus sapien ligula, mattis a fringilla ac, consectetur in dolor. Nullam sagittis iaculis dui, non gravida neque dictum mollis. Aliquam ullamcorper bibendum velit, vitae euismod purus iaculis eu. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris sed nisl dignissim est mattis vestibulum laoreet eu ipsum. In ipsum dolor, posuere sit amet porttitor eget, placerat eu arcu. Mauris eget tortor massa, ut consequat nulla. Cras turpis odio, feugiat tristique adipiscing in, placerat id sapien. Nunc eu orci in ante facilisis aliquet.
Duis consequat turpis sollicitudin nibh tristique porttitor. Ut orci nulla, porta eu gravida non, placerat non ipsum. Maecenas lobortis, nisi ut tincidunt luctus, enim sapien condimentum purus, non gravida mauris risus vel leo. Sed vel cursus leo. Cras velit purus, interdum et imperdiet non, cursus et urna. Pellentesque auctor dictum ante, non pharetra elit venenatis posuere. Morbi elementum neque vel nulla sodales dictum. Quisque ac sapien ligula, ut mattis augue. Mauris a massa consequat nulla ornare viverra ut ac erat. Aenean imperdiet posuere sem, sed hendrerit libero fringilla non. Vivamus id rhoncus quam. Donec pulvinar venenatis mauris, eget fermentum metus suscipit porta. Etiam nec vehicula lacus. Aliquam lacinia suscipit arcu, eu gravida leo faucibus a. Nunc arcu turpis, mollis tincidunt lobortis sed, tincidunt ac ipsum. Aenean euismod enim ut sem lacinia sit amet feugiat elit porta.
Turn One
rem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec et felis quis metus tempor porttitor quis eget orci. Maecenas lobortis ante id nulla luctus gravida. Nulla a tortor eu elit varius sodales. Aliquam placerat dui id mi placerat elementum. Curabitur non nunc sem. Praesent vestibulum, justo quis volutpat imperdiet, diam orci sodales orci, at fermentum dui justo in justo. Aenean tempor mi sed ligula auctor non lobortis erat semper. Vestibulum facilisis, purus id consequat interdum, erat nisl ultrices diam, a vulputate mauris velit vel velit.
Curabitur id mi sapien. Nam pharetra ullamcorper consectetur. Integer vitae nulla lectus, eu interdum neque. Sed aliquam est nec justo condimentum ultrices. Aenean pharetra turpis vitae urna commodo gravida. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Cras fringilla, lacus sed adipiscing placerat, nisl magna consequat velit, sit amet aliquam purus massa vel sem. Aliquam in risus ligula. Nunc tortor magna, luctus in laoreet a, lacinia sed sapien.
Aenean euismod placerat libero, eu euismod ipsum molestie ac. Nam sit amet suscipit mi. Vivamus sapien ligula, mattis a fringilla ac, consectetur in dolor. Nullam sagittis iaculis dui, non gravida neque dictum mollis. Aliquam ullamcorper bibendum velit, vitae euismod purus iaculis eu. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris sed nisl dignissim est mattis vestibulum laoreet eu ipsum. In ipsum dolor, posuere sit amet porttitor eget, placerat eu arcu. Mauris eget tortor massa, ut consequat nulla. Cras turpis odio, feugiat tristique adipiscing in, placerat id sapien. Nunc eu orci in ante facilisis aliquet.
Duis consequat turpis sollicitudin nibh tristique porttitor. Ut orci nulla, porta eu gravida non, placerat non ipsum. Maecenas lobortis, nisi ut tincidunt luctus, enim sapien condimentum purus, non gravida mauris risus vel leo. Sed vel cursus leo. Cras velit purus, interdum et imperdiet non, cursus et urna. Pellentesque auctor dictum ante, non pharetra elit venenatis posuere. Morbi elementum neque vel nulla sodales dictum. Quisque ac sapien ligula, ut mattis augue. Mauris a massa consequat nulla ornare viverra ut ac erat. Aenean imperdiet posuere sem, sed hendrerit libero fringilla non. Vivamus id rhoncus quam. Donec pulvinar venenatis mauris, eget fermentum metus suscipit porta. Etiam nec vehicula lacus. Aliquam lacinia suscipit arcu, eu gravida leo faucibus a. Nunc arcu turpis, mollis tincidunt lobortis sed, tincidunt ac ipsum. Aenean euismod enim ut sem lacinia sit amet feugiat elit porta.
Turn Two
rem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec et felis quis metus tempor porttitor quis eget orci. Maecenas lobortis ante id nulla luctus gravida. Nulla a tortor eu elit varius sodales. Aliquam placerat dui id mi placerat elementum. Curabitur non nunc sem. Praesent vestibulum, justo quis volutpat imperdiet, diam orci sodales orci, at fermentum dui justo in justo. Aenean tempor mi sed ligula auctor non lobortis erat semper. Vestibulum facilisis, purus id consequat interdum, erat nisl ultrices diam, a vulputate mauris velit vel velit.
Curabitur id mi sapien. Nam pharetra ullamcorper consectetur. Integer vitae nulla lectus, eu interdum neque. Sed aliquam est nec justo condimentum ultrices. Aenean pharetra turpis vitae urna commodo gravida. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Cras fringilla, lacus sed adipiscing placerat, nisl magna consequat velit, sit amet aliquam purus massa vel sem. Aliquam in risus ligula. Nunc tortor magna, luctus in laoreet a, lacinia sed sapien.
Aenean euismod placerat libero, eu euismod ipsum molestie ac. Nam sit amet suscipit mi. Vivamus sapien ligula, mattis a fringilla ac, consectetur in dolor. Nullam sagittis iaculis dui, non gravida neque dictum mollis. Aliquam ullamcorper bibendum velit, vitae euismod purus iaculis eu. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris sed nisl dignissim est mattis vestibulum laoreet eu ipsum. In ipsum dolor, posuere sit amet porttitor eget, placerat eu arcu. Mauris eget tortor massa, ut consequat nulla. Cras turpis odio, feugiat tristique adipiscing in, placerat id sapien. Nunc eu orci in ante facilisis aliquet.
Duis consequat turpis sollicitudin nibh tristique porttitor. Ut orci nulla, porta eu gravida non, placerat non ipsum. Maecenas lobortis, nisi ut tincidunt luctus, enim sapien condimentum purus, non gravida mauris risus vel leo. Sed vel cursus leo. Cras velit purus, interdum et imperdiet non, cursus et urna. Pellentesque auctor dictum ante, non pharetra elit venenatis posuere. Morbi elementum neque vel nulla sodales dictum. Quisque ac sapien ligula, ut mattis augue. Mauris a massa consequat nulla ornare viverra ut ac erat. Aenean imperdiet posuere sem, sed hendrerit libero fringilla non. Vivamus id rhoncus quam. Donec pulvinar venenatis mauris, eget fermentum metus suscipit porta. Etiam nec vehicula lacus. Aliquam lacinia suscipit arcu, eu gravida leo faucibus a. Nunc arcu turpis, mollis tincidunt lobortis sed, tincidunt ac ipsum. Aenean euismod enim ut sem lacinia sit amet feugiat elit porta.
Turn Two
rem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec et felis quis metus tempor porttitor quis eget orci. Maecenas lobortis ante id nulla luctus gravida. Nulla a tortor eu elit varius sodales. Aliquam placerat dui id mi placerat elementum. Curabitur non nunc sem. Praesent vestibulum, justo quis volutpat imperdiet, diam orci sodales orci, at fermentum dui justo in justo. Aenean tempor mi sed ligula auctor non lobortis erat semper. Vestibulum facilisis, purus id consequat interdum, erat nisl ultrices diam, a vulputate mauris velit vel velit.
Curabitur id mi sapien. Nam pharetra ullamcorper consectetur. Integer vitae nulla lectus, eu interdum neque. Sed aliquam est nec justo condimentum ultrices. Aenean pharetra turpis vitae urna commodo gravida. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Cras fringilla, lacus sed adipiscing placerat, nisl magna consequat velit, sit amet aliquam purus massa vel sem. Aliquam in risus ligula. Nunc tortor magna, luctus in laoreet a, lacinia sed sapien.
Aenean euismod placerat libero, eu euismod ipsum molestie ac. Nam sit amet suscipit mi. Vivamus sapien ligula, mattis a fringilla ac, consectetur in dolor. Nullam sagittis iaculis dui, non gravida neque dictum mollis. Aliquam ullamcorper bibendum velit, vitae euismod purus iaculis eu. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris sed nisl dignissim est mattis vestibulum laoreet eu ipsum. In ipsum dolor, posuere sit amet porttitor eget, placerat eu arcu. Mauris eget tortor massa, ut consequat nulla. Cras turpis odio, feugiat tristique adipiscing in, placerat id sapien. Nunc eu orci in ante facilisis aliquet.
Duis consequat turpis sollicitudin nibh tristique porttitor. Ut orci nulla, porta eu gravida non, placerat non ipsum. Maecenas lobortis, nisi ut tincidunt luctus, enim sapien condimentum purus, non gravida mauris risus vel leo. Sed vel cursus leo. Cras velit purus, interdum et imperdiet non, cursus et urna. Pellentesque auctor dictum ante, non pharetra elit venenatis posuere. Morbi elementum neque vel nulla sodales dictum. Quisque ac sapien ligula, ut mattis augue. Mauris a massa consequat nulla ornare viverra ut ac erat. Aenean imperdiet posuere sem, sed hendrerit libero fringilla non. Vivamus id rhoncus quam. Donec pulvinar venenatis mauris, eget fermentum metus suscipit porta. Etiam nec vehicula lacus. Aliquam lacinia suscipit arcu, eu gravida leo faucibus a. Nunc arcu turpis, mollis tincidunt lobortis sed, tincidunt ac ipsum. Aenean euismod enim ut sem lacinia sit amet feugiat elit porta.
Turn Three
em ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec et felis quis metus tempor porttitor quis eget orci. Maecenas lobortis ante id nulla luctus gravida. Nulla a tortor eu elit varius sodales. Aliquam placerat dui id mi placerat elementum. Curabitur non nunc sem. Praesent vestibulum, justo quis volutpat imperdiet, diam orci sodales orci, at fermentum dui justo in justo. Aenean tempor mi sed ligula auctor non lobortis erat semper. Vestibulum facilisis, purus id consequat interdum, erat nisl ultrices diam, a vulputate mauris velit vel velit.
Curabitur id mi sapien. Nam pharetra ullamcorper consectetur. Integer vitae nulla lectus, eu interdum neque. Sed aliquam est nec justo condimentum ultrices. Aenean pharetra turpis vitae urna commodo gravida. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Cras fringilla, lacus sed adipiscing placerat, nisl magna consequat velit, sit amet aliquam purus massa vel sem. Aliquam in risus ligula. Nunc tortor magna, luctus in laoreet a, lacinia sed sapien.
Aenean euismod placerat libero, eu euismod ipsum molestie ac. Nam sit amet suscipit mi. Vivamus sapien ligula, mattis a fringilla ac, consectetur in dolor. Nullam sagittis iaculis dui, non gravida neque dictum mollis. Aliquam ullamcorper bibendum velit, vitae euismod purus iaculis eu. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris sed nisl dignissim est mattis vestibulum laoreet eu ipsum. In ipsum dolor, posuere sit amet porttitor eget, placerat eu arcu. Mauris eget tortor massa, ut consequat nulla. Cras turpis odio, feugiat tristique adipiscing in, placerat id sapien. Nunc eu orci in ante facilisis aliquet.
Duis consequat turpis sollicitudin nibh tristique porttitor. Ut orci nulla, porta eu gravida non, placerat non ipsum. Maecenas lobortis, nisi ut tincidunt luctus, enim sapien condimentum purus, non gravida mauris risus vel leo. Sed vel cursus leo. Cras velit purus, interdum et imperdiet non, cursus et urna. Pellentesque auctor dictum ante, non pharetra elit venenatis posuere. Morbi elementum neque vel nulla sodales dictum. Quisque ac sapien ligula, ut mattis augue. Mauris a massa consequat nulla ornare viverra ut ac erat. Aenean imperdiet posuere sem, sed hendrerit libero fringilla non. Vivamus id rhoncus quam. Donec pulvinar venenatis mauris, eget fermentum metus suscipit porta. Etiam nec vehicula lacus. Aliquam lacinia suscipit arcu, eu gravida leo faucibus a. Nunc arcu turpis, mollis tincidunt lobortis sed, tincidunt ac ipsum. Aenean euismod enim ut sem lacinia sit amet feugiat elit porta.
Turn Four
rem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec et felis quis metus tempor porttitor quis eget orci. Maecenas lobortis ante id nulla luctus gravida. Nulla a tortor eu elit varius sodales. Aliquam placerat dui id mi placerat elementum. Curabitur non nunc sem. Praesent vestibulum, justo quis volutpat imperdiet, diam orci sodales orci, at fermentum dui justo in justo. Aenean tempor mi sed ligula auctor non lobortis erat semper. Vestibulum facilisis, purus id consequat interdum, erat nisl ultrices diam, a vulputate mauris velit vel velit.
Curabitur id mi sapien. Nam pharetra ullamcorper consectetur. Integer vitae nulla lectus, eu interdum neque. Sed aliquam est nec justo condimentum ultrices. Aenean pharetra turpis vitae urna commodo gravida. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Cras fringilla, lacus sed adipiscing placerat, nisl magna consequat velit, sit amet aliquam purus massa vel sem. Aliquam in risus ligula. Nunc tortor magna, luctus in laoreet a, lacinia sed sapien.
Aenean euismod placerat libero, eu euismod ipsum molestie ac. Nam sit amet suscipit mi. Vivamus sapien ligula, mattis a fringilla ac, consectetur in dolor. Nullam sagittis iaculis dui, non gravida neque dictum mollis. Aliquam ullamcorper bibendum velit, vitae euismod purus iaculis eu. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris sed nisl dignissim est mattis vestibulum laoreet eu ipsum. In ipsum dolor, posuere sit amet porttitor eget, placerat eu arcu. Mauris eget tortor massa, ut consequat nulla. Cras turpis odio, feugiat tristique adipiscing in, placerat id sapien. Nunc eu orci in ante facilisis aliquet.
Duis consequat turpis sollicitudin nibh tristique porttitor. Ut orci nulla, porta eu gravida non, placerat non ipsum. Maecenas lobortis, nisi ut tincidunt luctus, enim sapien condimentum purus, non gravida mauris risus vel leo. Sed vel cursus leo. Cras velit purus, interdum et imperdiet non, cursus et urna. Pellentesque auctor dictum ante, non pharetra elit venenatis posuere. Morbi elementum neque vel nulla sodales dictum. Quisque ac sapien ligula, ut mattis augue. Mauris a massa consequat nulla ornare viverra ut ac erat. Aenean imperdiet posuere sem, sed hendrerit libero fringilla non. Vivamus id rhoncus quam. Donec pulvinar venenatis mauris, eget fermentum metus suscipit porta. Etiam nec vehicula lacus. Aliquam lacinia suscipit arcu, eu gravida leo faucibus a. Nunc arcu turpis, mollis tincidunt lobortis sed, tincidunt ac ipsum. Aenean euismod enim ut sem lacinia sit amet feugiat elit porta.