Beginners 15mm Painting Guide Part 1
Our very first guide is designed to help get painters up and running with 15mm miniature painting quickly and to a decent standard.
Beginners 15mm Painting Guide Part 2
The second part of this our beginners series covers priming, painting, and fine detail including highlighting. |
Training a Cat to Attack it's Owner Part 1
"If man could be crossed with the cat it would improve the man, but it would deteriorate the cat" Mark Twain
Justin captures and resprays this legend of armoured combat, the Panther tank |
Training a Cat to Attack it's Owner Part 2
The turncoat Panther is subjected to bathing, gluing, undercoat, painting and washes. Against it's will of course. |
Finishing a Late War T34/76 1943 Part 3
Part 3 includes AFV turret marking research, varnishing, applying decals, pigments, some angst and a liberal smattering of frustration. And then some more angst for good measure. |